Town Clerk
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- Staff & Contact Information
- General Assistance
- Notary Services
- Property Taxes
- Registrations
- Vital Records
Staff & Contact Information
Contact Information
- Address: 2589 Main Street , Fayette, ME 04349
- Phone: (207) 685-4373
- Fax: (207) 685-9391
Town Clerk - Mark Robinson
- Phone: (207) 685-4373
- Email:
Deputy Treasurer/Bookkeeper - Crystal Rose
- Phone: (207) 685-4373
- Email:
Deputy Tax Collector - Jessica Ames
- Phone: (207) 685-4373
- Email:
Linked Documents
- To view forms or applications please visit our Documents Page: Town Clerk
- For bills or other online services please visit our Bill Pay & Online Services Page
General Assistance
Persons who wish to apply for general assistance may do so at the town office during normal business hours.
Contact Information
In an emergency, applicants may contact Mark Robinson at:
- Office: (207)-685-4373
- Home: 685-7374
- Cell: 620-0263
- Email:
Linked Documents
(Back to top)Notary Services
Mark Robinson serves as the in-office notary for the Town of Fayette. Please call to make an appointment to have a document notarized.
You will need the following to apply for a marriage license:
Intentions of Marriage
- ANYONE may file intentions of Marriage in the State of Maine.
- Intentions are filed when a signed, notarized VS-2a has been submitted to a municipal clerk, along with the fee.
- The bride & groom MUST supply their social security number when filing Intentions of Marriage.
- There is no additional documentation required at the time the Intentions are filed.
License & Certification of Marriage:
- Intentions of Marriage must have been filed prior to issuing a License & Certificate of Marriage (VS-2).
- The original pink form is prepared for issuance by obtaining the information from the Intentions of Marriage.
- Previously married persons MUST present, to the municipal clerk, a CERTIFIED copy of a divorce decree, divorce certificate or death certificate, indicating how the last marriage ended. The municipal clerk does NOT need to keep this; he/she just needs to see the document to verify that the previously married person is free to marry.
- A photocopy of the original (pink) VS-2 is issued to the bride and groom once they have signed the original in the presence of the issuing municipal clerk. (If the clerk’s office wishes to have original signatures of the bride and groom on their record, then they should make the copy before obtaining signatures. The clerk MUST make sure the bride and groom sign original signatures on BOTH copies in this case.)
- After Marriage has taken place & the Marriage License has been signed by witnesses and the Officiant, it needs to be returned to the municipal clerk for filing with the State of Maine, and a certified copy can be issued at that time.
- $ 40.00 To file for Intentions
- $ 15.00 1st Certified Copy (requested by Bride & Groom)
- $ 6.00 Additional Certified Copies (requested by Bride & Groom at the same time the 1st copy is requested)
Linked Documents
(Back to top)Property Taxes
Before billing, the tax assessor determines the value of the property. Selectmen then vote to set the annual tax rate. Taxes are committed during September/October and one bill is issued thereafter. Taxes are payable in two installments:
First half is November 30th and second half is April 30th!
By law, bills or reminders that are not received does not prevent interest from accruing. Payments that are mailed will be dated by the postmarked date not the date written on the check.
- Interest on late real estate taxes is 4%. Interest for the first half of payments begins on December 1st and the second half on May 1st.
Fayette tax rate information:
- 2014-$13.75 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2015-$15.00 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2016-$15.10 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2017-$15.50 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2018-$16.50 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2019-$18.05 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2020-$18.75 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2021-$18.85 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2022-$18.85 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2023-$13.29 per $1000.00 valuation
- 2024-$13.35 per $1000.00 valuation
Payments are accepted by cash, check, credit or debit card. Payments can be made during regular business hours at the Fayette town office, online or by mail to:
- Address: Fayette Town Office, 2589 Main Street, Fayette, Maine 04349
Please be sure to note account number(s) and or map/lot(s) when sending in payments.
If you did not receive a tax bill, please call our office. For more information on property tax and real estate info, please visit our Tax Assessing Page.
(Back to top)Registrations
Registration stickers are available for renewal during Town Office hours!
Registration Dates:
- ATV Registrations: May 1st
- Snowmobile Registrations: Late September/Early October
- Dog Licenses: October 15th
- Boat Registrations: December 1st
- Hunting/Fishing Licenses: December 1st
Registration Links
(Back to top)Vital Records
Contact Information
Example Contact
- Address:
- Phone:
- Fax:
- Email:
- Website: [Website Title](insert URL)