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- Town Clerk's Office
- Animal Control
- Cemetery Sexton
- Code Enforcement Officer
- Fayette Fire Department
- Tax Assessing
- Public Works (Highway Department)
Town Clerk’s Office
Town Office Hours:
- Monday - Wednesday 7:00AM - 4:30PM
- Thursday: 7:00AM - 6:30PM
- Town Manager - Mark Robinson
- Deputy Treasurer - Crystal Rose
- Deputy Clerk & Deputy Tax Collector - Jessica Ames
- Support Staff: Liza Folk & Emily Cotnoir
Contact Information
- Address: 2589 Main Street, Fayette, ME 04349
- Phone: (207) 685-4373
- Fax: (207) 685-9391
- To view and access more information please visit our Town Clerks Page
Animal Control
Contact Information
Animal Control Officer - Berndt Graf
- Address: 2589 Main Street
Fayette, ME, 04349 - Direct Phone: (207) 897-8371
Dog Licenses
- $6 if spayed or neutered
- $11 if not
- Dogs must be licensed between October 15 and December 31 annually.
- All dogs must be re-licensed by December 31 of each year.
- There is a late fee of $25 per dog which will take effect starting February 1 of each license year.
- By State Law, all dogs by the age of six months old must be licensed in the municipality in which you live.
- To license your dog, you will need to show proof that the dog has a current rabies shot.
- The fee for licensing is $6.00 for spayed/neutered, $11.00 if not.
Questions? Contact the Town Office at (207) 685-4373
(Back to top)Cemetery Sexton
By Maine law, death records that are less than 25 years old are not available to the public. All of the recorded headstones attached below are 25 years or older.
Maine Old Cemetery Association Inscriptions
- “Founded in 1969, the Maine Old Cemetery Association has over members from forty-odd states and from several Canadian provinces. Its primary purpose is to locate old cemeteries and to encourage the care and preservation of them, and to assist in the preservation of the historic information relating to them…
- The MIP (MOCA Inscription Project) is concerned with gathering and making available the genealogical data found on gravestones in Maine, realizing that this data may be lost through the aging of stones or by their being destroyed by neglect or vandalism.”
Cemetery Locations
- Fellows: East Road
- North Fayette: North Road
- Old North Fayette: North Road
- Fayette Corner: Baldwin Hill Road
- Kent: Fayette Corners Road
- Fayette Mills: Tom Surrey Road
- Berry Family: Bamford Pond Road
- Old Fayette Mills: Clyde Wells Road
Contact Information
Ronald Hewett
- Phone: (207) 685-9985
Linked Documents
- To view cemetery inscriptions, please visit our Documents Page: Cemetery Inscriptions
- To view our cemetery plots, please visit our Documents Page: Cemetery Plots
Code Enforcement
Jessica Leighton
Code Enforcement Officer/Local Plumbing Inspector
Phone: (207) 685-4373\ Email:\ Address: 2589 Main St.\ Fayette, ME 04349
Linked Documents
- To obtain permit applications please visit our Documents Page: Code Enforcement
- To view the Short-Term Rental License Application please visit our Documents Page: Short-Term Rentals
Fayette Fire Department
For more information please visit our Emergency Services Page
Contact Information
- Address: 2475 Main Street, Fayette, ME 04349
- In Case of Emergency: DIAL 9-1-1
- Phone: (207) 685-9048
- 24 Hour Regional Communications Center: (207) 624-7076 or 1 (800) 452-4664
Tax Assessing
Contact Information
Tax Assessor: Ellery Bane, RJD Appraisal
Hours: 9:00AM - 3:00PM on the third Thursday of each month
- Address: 2589 Main St., Fayette, ME 04349
- Phone: (207) 685-4373
- Fax: (207) 685-9391
Linked Documents
(Back to top)Public Works (Highway Department)
Winter Sand Permit:
- Available from November 1st - April 30th If you need winter sand for your driveway, please stop by the Town Office and get a permit. Permits are good for (5) five gallon buckets per storm. If you need assistance with loading, please call our office and we will gladly help!
Fill Request Form:
- If you are interested in receiving any fill from the Town, please print the form below and bring into the drop off at the Town Office.
- Ditching Release Form
Contact Information
- Address: 2589 Main Street, Fayette, ME 04349
- Phone: (207) 685-3391
- Fax: (207) 685-9391
Road Foreman - Mathew Chalmers
- Phone: (207) 685-3391
- Town Office Quote: “We want you to know you are being recognized by residents by calling and coming in that you’re doing a great job out there and it’s very much appreciated. We are all very thankful for such a great group of Men!”
Crew - Erlon Schmidt
- Phone: (207) 685-3391
- Lady Elaine Wilcox Quote: “The Fayette Road Crew are an outstanding bunch of guys, they always help us out at the Library and keep the driveway and steps clear. Thank you to the workers.”
Crew - Cameron Boynton
- Phone: (207) 685-3391
Crew - Mike Morgan
- Phone: (207) 685-3391