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- Friends of Starling Hall (F.O.S.H.)
- Fayette General Store
- Transfer Station
- Neighbors Driving Neighbors
- Aging in Place Tri-Town Business Directory
- Fayette Baptist Church
- Blackbear Boutique & Maranacook Food Pantry
- Overdose Prevention Services
- Adult Education
Friends of Starling Hall (F.O.S.H.)
Volunteers of FOSH work all year long planning events to fund raise with the vision that someday soon the Hall will restore its role as the community center where residents from Fayette and nearby communities will once again utilize the space as one! FOSH plans brunches, pancake suppers, Raffles, Holiday dinners, plant sales, Live Auctions, Silent Auctions, Yard Sales…
For information on these events visit our website listed below. visit the tab at the bottom “History of Starling Hall” there you will find the many updates we have completed with the money raised during our fundraising events. FOSH is a registered 501c3
Join Us!
- We are always looking for members of our community to plan or help at our events, please consider volunteering with us!
- For more information on how YOU can get involved, Please Contact us!
Contact Information
Address: 2769 Main Street\ Fayette, ME, 04349
Phone: (207) 685-4373
Email: starlinghall.friends@gmail.com
Website: Starling Hall
Linked Documents
(Back to top)Fayette General Store
Contact Information
- Address: 1916 Main Street, Fayette, ME 04349
- Phone: (207) 685-3455
- Monday: 6:30am - 8:00pm
- Tuesday: 6:30am - 8:00pm
- Wednesday: 6:30am - 8:00pm
- Thursday: 6:30am - 9:00pm
- Friday: 6:30am - 9:00pm
- Saturday: 7:30am - 9:00pm
- Sunday: 7:30am - 9:00pm
Readfield Transfer Station
Proof of residency or a permit sticker is required to use the Readfield Transfer Station. Permit stickers are available at the Town Office.
All trash must be in clear trash bags and recyclables must be separated. Recyclables are single sort.
Private Haulers
Need a private hauler? Here are a few local haulers.
- Ryan Galouche: (207) 446-8217
- Archie’s: (207) 364-2425
Contact Information
- Address: Readfield Transfer Station Recycle, Road Readfield, Maine 04355
- Transfer Station: (207) 685-3144
- Readfield Town Office: (207) 685-4939
- Website: Transfer Station
- Tuesday 11:00AM-6:00PM
- Wednesday 11:00AM-6:00PM
- Friday 11:00AM-6:00PM
- Saturday 8:00AM-4:00PM
Linked Documents
(Back to top)Neighbors Driving Neighbors
FREE transportation for residents of Belgrade, Fayette, Mount Vernon, Readfield, Rome, and Vienna!
Do you or someone you know need a ride to shop, run errands, go to the doctor or to another place? If you live in any of the six towns listed above, NDN can provide free and confidential rides. Please call, email, or visit their website for details about needing a ride or volunteering to give rides!
Website: neighborsdrivingneighbors.org/
Phone: (207) 860-0677
Email: neighborsdrivingneighbors@gmail.com
Neighbors Driving Neighbors\ PO Box 142\ Mount Vernon, ME 04352
(Back to top)Aging in Place Tri-Town Business Directory
The Mount Vernon, Vienna, and Fayette Business Directory is a joint effort between the Mount Vernon Community Partnership Corp (CPC) and the Mount Vernon Aging in Place Committee.
If you conduct business in Mount Vernon, Vienna, or Fayette and would like to be listed in future updates or if you would like to update or remove your listing or find any errors, please contact CPCMtVME@proton.me
(Back to top)Fayette Baptist Church
Fayette Baptist church is a growing rural Maine church with a passion and desire to bring people closer to God.
Contact Information
- Address: 39 Baldwin Hill Road, Fayette, ME 04349
- Phone: (207) 685-9492
- Email: office@fayettebaptistchurch.org
- Website: Fayette Baptist
- Hours: Worship is on Sundays starting at 10AM
Food Pantry
- Open: Thursdays 2PM-4PM at the Fayette Baptist Church
- Non-perishable food and personal hygiene products are purchased at a reduced price through the Good Shepherd Food Bank. We organize the items on the pantry shelves and open the doors to anyone in Fayette and the immediate area who is in need.
- We are open from 2:00pm to 4:00 PM on Thursdays, but are also available on a need basis by phone call (685-9492) or email (office@fayettebaptistchurch.org).
- To learn more, click here
Children’s Closet
- Open: BY APPOINTMENT at the Fayette Baptist Church
- For clothing requests, please call (207)685-9492.
- Free Gently Used Children’s Clothing for Our Community
- To learn more, click here
Cleaning your closets? Please donate your children’s clothing! Act locally to help families right here in our own community. Donations of children’s clothing in good condition can be made at the Fayette Baptist Church.
(Back to top)Blackbear Boutique & Maranacook Food Pantry
Maranacook Community School is pleased to provide support to our community through the Black Bear Boutique and Maranacook Food Pantry.
With colder months coming and the high cost of clothing, the Black Bear Boutique helps students by providing quality used clothing for free. Students will find jackets, sweaters, pants, footwear, and gym clothes. Clothes for all seasons are also available.
The Boutique is open to everyone during school hours.
The Maranacook Food Pantry, “Sandy’s Place”, is also open during school hours, and may be accessed after school by contacting Ellen Turgeon, school nurse. Our shelves are stocked with non perishable food items as well as basic hygiene products. Backpacks are available for students to take home food for their families at any time . Both of these services are supported by Maranacook staff and community volunteers. If you would like to make a donation, please stop by the Health Center or call Ellen Turgeon at 685-4923 ext. 1033.
(Back to top)Overdose Prevention Services
Every six months the Overdose Prevention Program for Kennebec County updates the region’s substance abuse services materials. Below is the link for the latest versions. The more in-depth booklet is in its final paper print - please visit www.healthynorthernkennebec.me to review substance abuse and mental health resources.
Maine General Substance Abuse Services
Programs to Improve Your Health
(Back to top)Adult Education
To learn more about the adult education opportunities offered in the area through the Maranacook School Systems, follow this link: http://maranacook.maineadulted.org/
To learn more about the adult education opportunities offered in the area through the Spruce Mountain School Systems, follow this link: https://rsu73.maineadulted.org/
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